Whats new in patch 5.2!?

Patch 5.2 is Here! What does it offer?

Patch 5.2 logo art

News and Information


Patch 5.2 has been out for about a week now and it has brought with it tons of new and exciting content. Why don't we take a look at some of the new content that 5.2 has to offer and see which one will take your interest. I may not be able to go over everything little thing 5.2 has added, especially since more content within this patch will be added at a later date but I would like to go over some of the major highlights.
 (Note: Potential spoilers ahead, view at your own risk)

New Main Scenario 

With every new patch comes the inclusion of brand new story quest. The story here focuses on the looming threat occurring in the Source, with Garlemald under going through a power struggle and a potential civil war, due to the murder of their emperor by the hands of Zenos, the emperors son. As well as new but familiar threat happening in the First who's intentions are still unknown.

Arbert?I don't want to spoil the entire story for you so I will leave it at that, so the rest of you can enjoy the full story for yourselves. As someone who has played through the story already, I can say with certainty you will not be disappointed and it may leave you wanting for more. I hope you all enjoy the story and if you have already played through the new story please tell me your thoughts in the comments below.

New Eden Verse  

Gaia imageWith patch 5.2, we have gotten the next tier of the Eden Verse raid. This raid tier, jut like the first one, offers 4 new fights that coincide with the new Eden Verse story quest added and introduces a new character to Eden Verse group named Gaia, a mysterious dark hair girl. Who you might already be familiar with if you were paying attention to end of the last Eden raid tier cut scenes.
As for the 4 new fights you will be facing, keeping with the similar theme from last tier you will be facing re imagined fights of primals that you have faced in the past, but with new looks and moves that make it feel like a whole new fight. They all provide and bring fun and interesting mechanic to the table, that I'm sure you all may find a but tricky during your first few runs. You will be facing the likes of a re imagined Ramuh, Ifrit & Garuda (at the same time), a brand new original fight, and a secret fight that you have to make your way past the other 3 fights in order to get to.
Like with every new raid tier once you play through and beat the normal mode of the fights, you will be able to unlock the savage versions of them which are even harder and more compicated versions of the fights you just played through. As of the writing of this, the world first clears for each savage version of the new fights have already been achieved, so lets us give a big round of applause to the static group "Thoughts per Second" for being the world first in clearing the savage versions of Eden fights 5 through 7 and also congratulate the Japanese static group "Sylink" for being world first in clearing savage version of 8th fight. For those still trying to getting through your savage clears for this tier, I wish you the best of luck.

Brand New Beast Tribe       

 Patch 5.2, has given us yet another Beast Tribe quest line that we can participate in. This time around were focusing on the Qitari beast tribe, a beast tribe that may look familiar to you. This beast tribe focuses on gathering and providing materials for them, so make sure you have a above level 70 gathering and get to work helping those Qitari.
Qitari beast ribe station
Helping out the Qitari will boost your standing with them and being able to learn more about them. If you boost your standing with them enough you'll be able to unlock some beast tribe specific items, such as a minion, housing items, and even a mount that I'm positive you all want to get your hands on. You will be given a total of 3 quest per day for the beast tribe so try to remember to knock out your daily beast tribe quest each day you rank up fast.

These were just a few highlights of some of the brand new content that patch 5.2 has to offer. Unfortunately going over all of the brand new content and features would take quite awhile to go over. So, I will add a link to the official patch notes for 5.2 in the comments below for your viewing pleasure. I hope you all enjoy yourselves as you play through patch 5.2.   



  1. Here is a link to the full patch notes: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/b0151eaed1faecb46061b947cf9c08bed75d230d


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