Gearung up for Savage
Need Gear for Savage? Here's how to get some.
New player Guides
So, you've been playing through the world of Eorzea and have conquered multiple dungeons, trials, and gone through the normal mode raids. Now you want a bigger challenge, something you need to you use all your skill for, well savage mode raids are for you. If you don't know savage mode is a harder and more difficult version of a preexisting raid encounter, which has more mechanics and requires better coordination within your party. But before we can jump into savage, we need to gear up so you can better prepare yourselves for savage level content. So, here is a few ways you can gear yourself up for savage content.Crafting Gear
Although, if you have a friend or Free Company member who is willing to craft you a full high level set and trade it to you that can also work very well. Either way acquiring crafted gear is a effective option if you are willing to level your crafters.
Normal Raids
As mentioned earlier savage raids are higher difficulty encounters which also provide higher level gear once completed, but that doesn't mean the normal versions of these raids don't matter. By completing the normal versions of the raids you are given tokens that can be turned in for some nice high level gear. This gear may not be as good as the ones acquired from savage, but this gear will help you get to where you need to be in order for you to actually jump into savage.
Now Dungeons may not give the best gear depending on you current item level, but if your item level is low to a point you just need a tiny boost in it or your trying to gear up an alt class that needs the gear then dungeons can certainly help you. Granted the gear you find there is random but since dungeons are relatively easy to go through, farming a certain dungeons isn't to hard. You also get tomestones from completing them, so you can turn those in to get better gear then gear you can find in the dungeon itself.These are just a few ways you can gear yourself up so you can start tackling savage level encounters. I hoped this guide was helpful and if you have any other tips that can help others gear up, leave them in the comments below. Good luck raiding out there.
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