Live Letter 58
Producer Live Letter #58
News and Information
Even though patch 5.3 has been delayed the team at Final Fantasy 14 has given us Letter from the Producer number 58, which has given us a bit of insight on what is in store for us in the next major patch for the game. This is only part 1 of a 2 part info presentation for patch 5.3, we will get part 2 in the next live letter. Lets take a look at some of the major additions that will be added in patch 5.3.New Main Scenario
Second Part of YoRHa Dark Apocalypse
The 2nd part of the new Nier Automata 24-man raid tier will be added with this patch. We have only been given concept heart and the title "The Puppet's Bunker" which will be the name of the new 24-man. Since we've only been given little information about the 24-man at this point we can only speculate at this point, but if it's anything like last tier then we are surely in for a treat.
New Beast Tribe
We have another Beast Tribe this patch, and this time will be visiting the dwarf this time around. This Beast Tribe is a crafting beast tribe so get those 70 crafters ready if you want to get some of neat dwarven themed rewards that are sure to come with this Beast Tribe.
Realm Reborn Revamp
For the vanilla Real Reborn content, 13% of the quest between patch 2.0 and 2.5 have been removed, and the quest that have remained have been simplified. So no longer will the road from the end of Realm Reborn to Heavenward feel like such a slog for most people. Also experience gain has been buffed so leveling will be easier for players. Also, a big addition is the ability to fly in Real Reborn areas, all you have to do unlock this is to beat the main scenario and gain access to your Chococbo mount.
So, this was just a few of the major updates announced in the most recent Live Letter from the Producer. I hope this was informative for you, and if you want to learn more I'll leave a link to the Live Letter down below.
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