Patch 5.25

What Does Patch 5.25 Offer?


News and Information

Patch 5.25 just dropped and with it came some new content that you can enjoy. This patch provides us with the start of the new relic weapon quest line, and a super secret new extreme trial that you will be able to unlock. Lets have a brief explanation of this new content.

Save The Queen: New Relic Weapon Quest Line

With every new expansion comes the eventual brand new relic quest line, and as for this you will be tasked into helping a resistance group reforge weapons once belonging to their elite guard of warriors. You can start this quest line by heading to Kugane and accepting a quest from an npc in the market place. From there you will go through a pretty lengthy quest line, and eventually find yourself in an instance.
 Now for spoiler reasons I won't go into more detail about the what exactly you do in this instance, but I will say it is a very enjoyable instance and you will be very surprised from what you will see. Once that is done you will be allowed to get the first stage of your relic weapon, you get this one for free as a reward for completing the quest line, but if you want to acquire another one for a different class you need to acquire 4 Thavnairian Scalepowders. To obtains these you need about 1,000 tomstones of poetics since each one cost 250 poetics per scalepowder.

The Secret Trial

As for the trial, you will get it in the relic quest line, during the instance. If you want to unlock the extreme version of this fight, there is a npc in the relic quest area that will unlock it for you once you finish the instance. As of the writing of this post I have yet to clear the the extreme trial but I will say you find this new extreme trial to be both challenging and fun.

I hope you found this post informative, and that you enjoy yourself, when experiencing patch 5.25.



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