What is the best class in the game.

Time to finally settle the age old debate

Info and Guides?

Now this has been and question asked since the world of FF14 has been released. A question that the community has been asking forever now. A question not even the most hard core of raiders has been able to answer, and that is what is the best class in the game to play.
Now some might say that their is no best class in the game, that all jobs are perfectly balanced and that they all are equally as good. Well I say those people are wrong, they just say that because no one has had the courage to find the truth, and just say that there is no superior job, but I am here today to prove them wrong.
I have spent an incredible amount of time research and poring hours into the classes of FF14 to find the answer, to find the truth. After all that work I have come to a sound conclusion on what is the undoubtedly, without a question, or a shadow of a doubt the best class in the game, and that class is none other then.......FISHER.
Now you might be thinking to yourself, "Fisher? thats can't be right?" and thats where your wrong. Yes, fisher isn't a traditional combat class but it has the ability to capture any aquatic animal if they use the right kind of bait. Now that might not seem like much but here me out, Leviathan is a primal boss that is basically the ocean god of FF14, but Leviathan is also a aquatic creature which means all you need is the right kind of bait and you basically have the ability to capture the god of the ocean all by yourself. Which makes you as a fisher stronger the the god of the ocean, I rest my cases.
Fisher is without a doubt the strongest class in the game. I'm glad I could inform you all and show you the truth. Have a happy April 1st and I'll see you in the next post.         


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